Southern China Fights Against Rainstorms

Big rainstorms have stricken some regions of Southern China and caused floods in several places, especially river valleys and the rural areas adjoining big lakes, in the past month. The Chinese government had fought the natural disaster bravely and fruitfully with the army and locals who had been summoned up the moment the heavy rains began.

Heavy rainfall usually begins in June in China, but this year, under the co-influences of tropical storms from the Pacific Ocean, the rain-forming clouds gathered and moved sooner to China. So the rains came earlier and stronger in Southern China. Benefit from the full preparation, thousands of residents had been evacuated successfully to safe areas in advance the minute that potential dangers were probed. In Jiangxi Province, about ten thousand soldiers and cadres had grouped up to guarantee the safety of the riverbanks of the Gan River, the biggest river in the province. Premier Wen Jiabao had also traveled to the stricken areas to inspect and courage the flood fighters to work hard and get the final victory of this unusual battle. Enough food, tents and clothes had been continuously distributed to evacuated residents and they stayed calm and believed that they would recover soon with governmental assistance.

Some China weather specialists forecasted that the rainfalls in August will gradually become smaller and the weather would become better in Southern China, according to the data from the weather satellites. Sunny days would prevail in the country's southern part in August and the temperature might rise as well.

China's famous destinations were not affected by the rare rainstorms. Tourists still could visit most scenic spots as scheduled. But, due to the sub-influences of wet weather in China, tourists are advised to take umbrellas (or raincoats), and skid-proof shoes along with them in case of small rainfalls. To ensure a memorable journey, tourists should also consult their travel experts for the exact transportation information and travel tips in their destinations ahead of time, so as to avoid unnecessary delays or waiting at the airports or railway stations.

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