Yangtze Cruise Excursion Sites

Fengdu Ghost City
Constructed on the Mingshan Hill. Legend says that over 1,700 years ago two officials named Yin and Wang (the combination of their surnames means "Ghost King ")studied Taoism here and eventually became immortals. The area now features amazing temples depicting underworld demons and gods. It clearly demonstrates the Chinese ghost culture and is a place where evil is punished, and the righteous are rewarded.

Shibaozhai (Stone Treasure Fortress)
Originally built over 300 years ago during the early days of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), it is a 12-storey wooden tower built directly against the sheer cliffs on the river bank. It is over 56 meters high, and from the top, you can get an unforgetful panoramic view of the river raging far below and the fertile countryside surrounding the area.

Lesser Three Gorges
Its natural splendor is second to none. It is three separate gorges along the Daning River, the chief tributary of the Yangtze River; they have been named "Dragon-Gate Gorge", "Misty Gorge" and "Dicui (Emerald) Gorge" respectively. Visitors can take a small boat to witness the spectacular views and experience a water-borne sensation that has to be seen to be believed. Nature's scenery unfolds before you, with its clear water racing through the gorges, sheer cliffs and steep mountains rising steeply on either side, it is an art gallery that only nature could create.

Shennong Stream
A 60-kilometer small tributary of the Yangtze River, Shennong Stream is famous for its picturesque scenery. Visitors can board a traditional sampan and drift along it. No one who has ever been to this spectacular place has left without being impressed by its crystal clear waters flowing swiftly through the deep gorges. With its steep peaks, thick vegetation, wildflowers, and exotic birds Shennong stream never fails to humble visitors. Carved into the steep cliffs a plank road was built in ancient times to help travelers on foot navigate the gorges, and ancient hanging coffins are suspended high on the cliff faces. These are just a few of the sites that will greet visitors. In the distance, sweet love songs of the local ethnic minority people can be heard. This is a mysterious place filled with history, and nature's splendor.

White Emperor City
Actually, a mini peninsular town scattered with ancient temples and gates. It is located at the entrance to Qutang Gorge on the north bank of the river.

The town was named by an official of the Western Han Dynasty (206 AD- 9 BC), Gongsun Shu who in 25 AD, saw white vapor in the shape of a dragon rising from a nearby well, and taking this as an auspicious omen, he declared himself the 'White Emperor' and renamed this town.

There is another legend that makes this town famous. It is said that Liu Bei, the King of Shu State during the Three Kingdom period (220-280AD) withdrew to this town after he was defeated by the armies of Wu State. On his deathbed, he entrusted both the state affairs and his sons to the care of Zhuge Liang, his prime minister.

Below is a famous ancient poem about White Emperor City.

Through the Yangtze Gorges:

From the walls of Baidi high in the colored dawn 
To Jiangling by night-fall is three hundred miles, 
Yet monkeys are still calling on both banks behind me 
To my boat these ten thousand mountains away.

Zhang Fei Temple
Located in Yunyang, the temple was built in honor of Zhangfei, who was a general in Shu State, one of the states in the Three Kingdom Period (220-280AD). Legends say that after he was murdered by his two subordinates, his body was buried in Langzhong and his head was brought to Yunyang. That is why a temple was built here. The temple has been relocated due to the Three Gorges Dam Project which was the biggest relocation project in the Yangtze River's Three Gorges area. 
Each shore excursion to these famous and unforgetful sites lasts 2-3 hours


Tour Programs of the Three Gorges

Chongqing to Wuhan (4 nights & 5 days)
Wuhan to Chongqing (5 nights & 6 days)
Chongqing to Wuhan (4 nights & 5 days)
Chongqing to Yichang (3 nights & 4 days)
Yichang to Chongqing (4 nights & 5 days)
Chongqing to Shanghai (6 nights & 7 days)
Shanghai to Chongqing (8 nights & 9 days)

