China promotional video in New York's Times Square

China has released a 60-second promotional video in Times Square, New York, just days before its president, Hu Jintao, pays a state visit to the United States. The Video is called "Experience China," and its features basketball superstar Yao Ming, piano virtuoso Lang Lang and Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei along with ordinary Chinese people.

Massive images are flashed on sic screens hung on two sides of a building framed in China's traditional red color, China is hoping the video will help raise its image as being a prosperous, developing, democratic and progressive nation. Chinese state media says the video will be shown 300 times a day for the next month and will air on the U.S. cable television news network CNN through February 13th. As the images were first displayed Monday in New York's Times Square, some passing by were impressed.

As a tour agency in China, we sincerely hope this promotional commercial would be making more people interested in China and come to experience the real China. We are always here to service you.

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