Largest Dinosaur Park in Beijing Opens for Ancient Exploration

The largest dinosaur park for ancient exploration in Beijing opened to the public at Shijingshan Amusement Park on 21st May. This first trial operation also begins in memory of the 30th anniversary of the amusement park. About 30 people of various ages were invited to admire the dinosaur program and gift T-shirts printed with dinosaurs for free.

Covering an area of 20,000 square meters, it displays 60 kinds of dinosaurs such as Diplodocus, pterosaur, tyrannosaurus rex, flying pterosaur and long-necked Diplodocus. The dinosaur models with lifelike appearance definitely offer people a chance to get a close look and maximized aspects to learn about the giants. "Disney is too far to go, please come to Shijingshan." This is the park's slogan. The park would likely be another desirable attraction for a trip to Beijing.

In the park, you could experience the natural living environment of these ancient creatures. It would bring you into a scene with man-made fog for dramatic effect. In addition, visitors could see how the dinosaurs move and experience excitement when they walk toward you. These all rely on virtual reality and interactive attraction technology. The park also features role games where people can play hunters. There is also a glass bridge, a man-made beach and tree houses for visitors to have a leisure ramble and rest.


The Forbidden City in Beijing
Beijing now offers more fun options for travelers except for the Forbidden City and Great Wall

Except for the classic attractions, such as the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace, the Dinosaur Park would be a fun side-trip to make. If you are planning to visit Beijing with children, do consider to have a look at the dinosaur if your schedule permits. Please feel free to contact us at for a tailor-made tour with professional suggestions!

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