Olympic Pandas Set up New Home in Guilin

2 Olympic Pandas, called Meixin and Fengyi, set up their new home in Guilin, one of the world's most beautiful cities, in Southwestern China on December 28th, 2009.

Meixin and Fengyi are two of the 8 pandas which had been displayed in Beijing during the 29th Beijing Olympic Games, earning them the reputable name "Olympic pandas". They were transferred to Guilin by air from Sichuan Province on December 28, 2009, after several months' rest in the panda Breeding Center.

At the airport, they were given a warm welcome from the Guilin people. Then, the two pandas were escorted by 7 Torch Bearers of the Beijing Olympic Games to their new home Guilin Zoo in the Seven Star Scenic Area, where hundreds of locals had been waiting for hours. Kids burst into laughter when they saw pandas' arrival, waving the icons happily. Adults were busy taking pictures with their cameras and phones. After intimately contacting with their fans for 1 hour, the 2 cute pandas were guided to their new house for a good rest. Together with another panda staying in the zoo before, there are 3 giant pandas in Guilin Zoo now. Watching 3 pandas playing in their well-designed home is really much fun.

As a Chinese saying goes, Guilin is the most beautiful place under heaven, which is famed for its enchanting scenery, delicious foods, and snacks, exotic Chinese ethnic cultures, and hospitable residents. Enjoying a close stay with Olympic Pandas has become a new highlight for locals and tourists in Guilin.

(Plan a Guilin Tour to appreciate amazing natural beauties, and visit the 3 cute pandas and enjoy intimate contact with them. )


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