Leshan Giant Buddha Photo Highlights

East of Chengdu, Leshan City is home to the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot, which was named after the giant statue of Buddha. Carving of the giant statue began in the Tang Dynasty and took more than 90 years. The river below the statue's location was a very dangerous one for ships going down the river, and many people were killed each year. The monk Hai Tong believed that by building the statue, the river gods would be appeased, and it would save many lives. Over 233 feet in height and 28 feet in width, the Leshan Giant Buddha is the biggest colossus in the world.

Located around the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot are several local restaurants, where visitors can enjoy the local dishes of Leshan City. Xiba Tofu, is a kind of Tofu that is specially made with the sweet-mellow water in Xiba Town, and Minjiang River Fish. These wonderfully spicy dishes have become famous.

Dragon Pool and Tiger Lair:
According to legend Lingyan Hill, located in the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area, with its dense forest and cave offered good shelter for a white tiger, while at the foot of the hill, the three rivers provided a black dragon with waves to play in. The dragon and tiger after hearing the Buddhist sutras decided to dedicate themselves to Buddhism and became guardians to protect Buddhists. Cen Shen a Tang Dynasty poet wrote while visiting Lingyan Hill "Wind blows over the tiger's lair and raindrops to fill the dragon's pool". This site later named Dragon Pool and Tiger Lair has been a popular destination in Lingyun Hill since the Tang Dynasty.


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