Is It Safe to Travel China in 2009

China remains a safe country to visit despite the rising safety concerns on international travel due to the pig flu pandemic (i.e. swine influenza or A/H1N1 flu), and economic and political instability in some of the Asian countries.

Chinese society is stable as its economy appears to be the most optimistic in the world. There is no issue such as crime against foreign tourists in China. Sichuan province is now safe and accessible after recovering from the 12th May earthquake last year. Tibet is also safe and reopened to welcome foreign tourists.

China has implemented tough measures against swine flu to keep the country safe to visit.

China swine flu news updates:

China has so far reported 5 cases including a suspected case:

A 42-year-old Italian tourist was suspected, on 19th May 2009, the fifth case in mainland China. Reportedly, the woman was "in stable condition" in a hospital in Zham town in the Tibet autonomous region.

A 59-year-old man recently traveled to the United States and Canada has become the fourth swine flu case in China. The man has been transferred to a hospital in Guangzhou reported on 19th May 2009.

Mainland China’s third confirmed swine flu case was an 18-year-old female student in Beijing who recently returned from a U.S. university. The student has been transferred to Beijing's infectious diseases hospital. Her condition was reported optimistic and would be recovered this week.

The second case was a 19 years old male student who recently studied in Canada. He took the AC029 flight to come back to China and was hospitalized on 11th May 2009. The man has already recovered and left the hospital on 19th May 2009.

The first swine flu case in China was identified on 10th May 2009, involving a 30 years old man who returned to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, from St. Louis of the United States via Tokyo last Saturday afternoon. The man has already recovered and left the hospital on 17th May 2009.

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