Huangshan Weather

As one of the great symbols of China that has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site, Huangshan Mountain, also called Yellow Mountain, can boast not only of its magnificence but also of its abundant resources and a great variety of zoological species. However, what really impresses visitors are the variations of the beauty concurrent with the weather changes on Huangshan Mountain. And these amazing changing super-induce the emphasis on the wonders of the landscape and scenery of this mountain.

Huangshan Mountain is in a sub-tropical humid climate with a yearly average temperature of just 7.8 centigrade. Almost overcast with mysterious clouds and mist all through the year, this area has pleasant weather which its coldest time is in January with a daily average temperature of 2.9 centigrade; while the warmest time is in July, with a daily temperature of 17.7 centigrade. Though it is humid and cold at the peak of this mountain, thanks to the variations of the weather, it varies day o day and thus bringing different wonderful scenes to Huang Mountain, for example, there are light and shade as clouds pass overhead and surround the higher reaches of the mountain, and the majestic views of sunrise and sunset on the peak is one of the charms that attract visitors a lot. And the tour to this mountain is popular and enjoyable all around the year.

The real charm of Huangshan Mountain also lies in its variations of the four seasons, and each of the seasons has its beauty respectively. Probably, spring is the most propitious season for visiting Yellow Mountain, as it looks tender and a comely maiden at that time. And visitors would be enchanted by the color changes as they are climbing the way up to the mountain, together with enjoying the pleasant birdsongs and the magnificent roaring of the waterfalls. In summer, Huangshan Mountain could be regarded as an ideal summer resort as the temperature there is cool and more satisfactory than in most other places in China. Distinctively, dawn in this time is most splendid for the sunrise highlights the sky and everything there takes a brilliant and shiny glow. While in autumn, it is cold a little bit, Yellow Mountain in this season is in its mature beauty with the red maples and yellow fruits. Having been taken as a popular and beautiful scene in many famous Chinese paintings, the scenery in this mountain in autumn is the last predominant flowering show of Huangshan Mountain. Then, it comes to winter, the most distinguished season for touring Yellow Mountain. One of the four wonders of Huangshan: the Sea of Clouds, is on its luxuriance in winter. Covered by white snow, Huangshan in winter looks like a silver world that could bring the visitors peacefulness with the marvelous view of icy peaks and cluster of frosty corals, making it a quiet world of ice sculptures that could take the breath of the visitors.

With such a peculiar variation of the weather, Huangshan Mountain is really an attraction that people should pay for a tour. However, paying attention to the weather changes during the tour is also very important. In July and August which is among the busy period of Huangshan, nevertheless, there would be heavy rain or even thunderstorms, so it is wise to bring with you rainproof clothes, or not to climb there on the stormy days. While after that period, it is also sensible to take along warm and wind-proof clothes, though there are such facilities provided in the hotels in the Huangshan Mountain area. In a word, dressing in accordance with the weather as well as making some preventive measurements before and while touring Huangshan Mountain is very significant. When everything is prepared adequately, the tour of Huangshan Mountain will definitely be impressive and marvelous enough.

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