Hong Kong Tea Introduction

Hong Kong is one of the very few places in China that does not have its own indigenous tea, but almost all of the thousands of varieties of Chinese tea can be found there including the top ten varieties of tea which are often hard to find in other parts of China. The top ten tea varieties in China are Anxi's Tieguanyin Tea, West Lake's Dragon Well Tea, Dongting Biluochun Tea, Huangshan's Maofeng Tea, Tunlu Tea, Pingshui's Pinhead Tea, Qihong Tea, Dianhong Tea, Dahongpao Tea, and Taiwan's Dongding Oolong Tea. Located near Po Lin Monastery, there is a tea plantation. It is the only tea plantation in Hong Kong. Here are planted many kinds of famous tea. Tourists can taste the tea and make friends here.

Tea is more than just a part of Chinese culture, it is an essential part of everyday life. In past dynasties, many famous people wrote books about tea. The best-known work is Cha Jing, commonly referred to as the Tea Bible, written by the Tang Dynasty scholar Lu Yu. He said that the best water used to brew tea comes from clear mountain springs. Sadly in these modern times, few people have access to pure mountain spring water. Today, the water, atmosphere, the frame of mind are all different from those used in ancient times. Visitors to Hong Kong can relive, if just for a moment, the lives of the ancients by going to a mountain teahouse and brewing tea using the water from a mountain spring and drinking it slowly so as to savor its subtle nuances.

The tea garden in Hong Kong is a wonderful place. The hill it is located on is covered in tea trees. It is said that they look like a green waterfall covering the side of the hill. It is a peaceful and soothing place. Visitors can sit amongst the tree trees trying different forms of Chinese tea while learning about China's ancient tea culture. Very few visitors fail to become enchanted by Chinese tea and the history and culture surrounding it.

Hong Kong is filled with teahouses. A teahouse is not just a place to sit and drink tea. It is a place to experience China's tea culture. Patrons of Hong Kong's teahouses go for the atmosphere and experience. They can sit and enjoy tea alone, or go with friends or family and chat. They are great places to meet old friends or make new ones. Snacks are often served in the teahouses and patrons can sit, drink tea, enjoy the atmosphere, and chat.

Tea is an essential part of people's lives in China and Hong Kong is no exception. The best teas in China can be found in Hong Kong and its numerous tea houses are the perfect place to sample them. Tea shop owners in Hong Kong are more than happy to give visitors free samples of tea and demonstrate China's tea ceremony and explain something about China's tea culture.

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