Chengkan Village in Huangshan

Chengkan Village locates near the famous Mt. Huangshan. It is so mysterious that people who visit Mt.Huangshan must pay a visit to Chengkan village. It is just like the Holy Land - Mekka. In the eyes of most people, Chengkan village becomes sanctity. What is its charm on earth? Why does Chengkan village make people fascinated?

Chengkan Village was formerly named Longxi Village. It was first built in the East Han Dynasty. Up to now, it has a history of more than 1800 years. Chengkan village has a great reputation - "the best village in the Jiangnan area". The location and architectural style depend exactly on the theory of "the Eight Diagrams" and "Feng Shui". Chengkan village has three streets and ninety-nine lanes, just like a maze, with hills and rivers surrounding it. The ancient river - Longxi River is like a jade belt going across Chengkan village. The eight mountains surrounding the village are like eight directions of "the Eight Diagrams". The exquisite layout of Chengkan village is a wonder among the village architectures in China.

Locals believe streamlets and flowers bring liveliness and fortune to the people. This scene will be seen around almost every village nearby Mt. Huangshan.

Chengkan village is a unique well-deserved ancient village in Ming Dynasty. The ancient architecture groups are very valuable for the research about it. The ancient architectures contain elegant pavilions, houses, bridges, wells, ancestral temples, etc. Moreover, there are exquisite stone carvings, brick carvings, and wood carvings on each house. It is a really wonderful article excelling nature! Chengkan village is extremely a perfect representative of Anhui architecture.

Once going into the Chengkan Village, visitors may fully feel the comfortable atmosphere here. The farmers are so kind to each other. You may relax and hug nature. Now, there are more than 700 households in Chengkan village, and 75% of the people’s family name is "Luo".

Chengkan village is an excellent combination of beautiful nature and humanity. On wandering on the narrow paths in the village, visitors may feel that time stops. If you have a chance to Mt. Huangshan, do not leave without visiting Chengkan Village.

For a visit to the ancient Chengkan Village, simply contact us.

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